
Why we love it

As the original energy bar created by Clif, this nutrition booster has passed the test of time. The Clif Energy Bar delivers an optimal blend of nutrition for sustained energy when your regular intake doesn't quite cut it. Reach for a Clif Bar one to three hours before activity with water to prevent hunger and fuel muscles. They're also a tempting snack between meals or on busy days when you need to supplement your energy.


Talk nerdy to me
Clif Bars are formulated to steadily increase blood sugar levels without that nasty sugar crash. By offering energy from multiple carbohydrate sources plus a blend of protein, fat and fibre, you'll slow the rate of digestion and be rewarded with prolonged power. Chow down a bar post-activity to replenish muscle glycogen, promote recovery, and enhance future performance.


Fast facts
- 70% organic and non-GMO ingredients.
- 9-11g of protein per bar to build and repair muscles.
- Blend of vitamins and minerals to support energy and recovery.